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Community Kitchen

A Safe Haven for Homeless Individuals and Refugees

A community chef for refugees plays a crucial role in supporting displaced individuals by preparing culturally appropriate meals, offering nutrition education, and fostering a sense of community through food.

Our Mission

We believe that everyone deserves access to nutritious food and a sense of community. Our mission is to provide a safe, welcoming environment where individuals can enjoy a hot meal, connect with others, and access additional support services.

What we offer

Nutritious Meals

Educating refugees about healthy eating habits within the context of available ingredients in their new environment. Addressing any specific nutritional needs, especially for vulnerable groups like children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Community Building

Organizing community cooking events or meal-sharing gatherings to bring people together and foster a sense of belonging. Providing an opportunity for refugees to share their own cooking skills, allowing them to contribute and feel empowered.

Culturally Relevant Meals

Preparing meals that align with the cultural preferences of the refugees. This helps maintain a sense of familiarity and comfort in an unfamiliar environment. Using ingredients that are traditional or similar to what refugees are accustomed to, depending on availability in the host country.

Skill Development

Teaching basic cooking skills to those unfamiliar with the host country's ingredients or methods. Offering opportunities for refugees to learn about the local cuisine, potentially leading to employment opportunities in the food industry.

Collaboration with NGOs and Local Organizations

Working with aid organizations, local food banks, and kitchens to ensure refugees have access to nutritious food. Collaborating with other community chefs to share resources, recipes, and strategies for managing large-scale food preparation.

Emotional and Mental Well-being

Providing a sense of comfort and emotional support through familiar flavors and shared meals, which can help reduce the stress and anxiety associated with displacement. Creating a safe space where refugees can come together to share stories and experiences over food, which plays a vital role in healing trauma and fostering resilience.


we are Looking for a Community chef

As a Community Chef at Midlands Living, you will be responsible for preparing nutritious, delicious, and visually appealing meals for our residents. Your role is vital in creating a warm and welcoming dining experience, ensuring the dietary needs and preferences of our community members are met.

How You Can Help

Our Community Kitchen relies on the generosity of volunteers and donors. Here’s how you can make a difference

Volunteer Your Time

Join our team of dedicated volunteers who help prepare and serve meals, clean up, and provide companionship to our guests.


Your financial contributions help us purchase food, supplies, and fund our programs. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference.

Spread the Word

Share our mission with your friends, family, and community. The more people who know about our services, the more individuals we can help.

Our Impact

Over the past 10 years, our Community Kitchen has served thousands of meals and touched countless lives. Each meal served represents more than just food—it’s a step toward a brighter future for someone in need.

Get Involved

Whether you’re looking to volunteer, donate, or simply learn more about what we do, we’d love to hear from you. Visit our Contact Page for more information on how you can get involved or to reach out with any questions.

Thank You

To our supporters, volunteers, and community partners—thank you. Your compassion and generosity are what make our work possible. Together, we are building a stronger, more caring community.